More edits...

So I know that I said the manuscript was ready to be sent off....well...not quite. Turns out I had a random blank page within it and so now the entire thing needs to be reprinted. I need to make a good first impression and a mistake like that doesn't look good... However, on the bright side, it has given me some more time to go back through and double check for other things. What have I changed?

 Well, I found a few phrases I wanted to update for clarity and even changed one of the inscriptions. What is the inscription? Well, you'll just have to read the book. 😛 I am grateful that I was able to update it though before the manuscript was sent off. Part of me wonders though, will it ever truly be ready? At some point, I just have to say, "Enough is enough." I've heard before that it's the same for a painter. The worse mistake that they can make is adding one too many strokes. They have to know when to be done. So when am I done? Still figuring that out.

Some editing changes include going through all of the common filler words and deleting or changing the unnecessary ones. Those words include: And, So, Then, Suddenly, and Like. It's crazy how many times those words are used within a book and how many aren't truly needed. For example, I went from using the word, "Then" 411 times, to only 290. I cut out 121 "Then's". That's a lot! :O

I've also updated the formatting to not include widow and orphan control and that reduced the page count by several pages! (Which is good, since I have to reprint).

Thus, with all of these new edits/revisions, my new hope is to send the manuscript to be printed on Monday and  sent off by the end of next week. Until then though, enjoy this possible character art of Cody! (I do not own the picture)
