Book Pipeline Contest

Hi again!

I am a member of Writer's Digest (WD) which is an excellent resource for, you guessed it, writers. Not only do they have a great community on the forums for advice and camaraderie, they also provide editing services of all levels (I've used them myself in the past), host competitions, and share opportunities for writers of all stages.

Which is how I found out about the Book Pipeline "Unpublished Contest." They are a trusted partner of WD and the contest is exclusively for unpublished manuscripts across 6 categories of fiction and nonfiction. The prizes?
  • $15,000 to winners ($2,500 for each category winner)
  • Immediate circulation to publishers, agents, editors, and other execs
  • Consideration from producers seeking projects for film and TV adaptation
  • Additional long-term reviews of other books for potential circulation
  • Invitations to annual writer and industry events hosted by Pipeline Media Group

Sounds great right? :D

And with a $10 coupon from WD and submitting early, I was able to enter for $35. Seems reasonable given the potential outcome. Finalists won't be announced until October, with the Winners announced in November so we have a while to wait but hey, I'm used to waiting at this point.

Plus, even if I am not a finalist, which I mean, is likely considering just how many amazing writers are out there, I am still pleased to be able to submit my manuscript to this contest. This manuscript is polished and well-written and I couldn't be more proud to be able to show off the world that has been created within the pages thanks to the help and critiques of so many people.

But if I do win... well, you'll definitely hear about it!
