Book Two

So, I know that I am suppose to be editing but unfortunately, I cannot edit all day. There are times when I am without my laptop, or when my laptop decides to break (like this week), and so I am unable to edit my book when I want to. That's not a problem though. Why? Because it means I can start thinking about the second book and let me tell you, I get super excited when I start thinking about the second book. I have lots of great ideas and a lot of things are going to finally be cleared up. I have even starting writing down the prologue on paper and its good.:) Of course I am biased but over time, I have learned to recognize when my writing is good and ... when its not. Thus, I can confidently say I like how I am planning to start book two. Of course, it may change but hey, I'm just excited to think about the future and the great things it will bring. :D
