
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Virtual Conference

I am a very frugal person when it comes to spending money on myself. Christmas gifts for my siblings? Not frugal. But myself? Very frugal. Thus, it takes a long time and much internal debate to convince myself that buying anything for my manuscript is, well, acceptable. Which is a good thing (I think) since anything I do end up buying needs to be of excellent quality and dependability. And so far, I have not been disappointed in my purchases. It is with that in mind, that I share that I made a large purchase today. I've enrolled in the WDU Annual Science Fiction & Fantasy Virtual Conference! Two days, six talks, networking with fellow writers, and a written critique of your query letter by an agent in the field. It costs $199.99. And what convinced me? First off, it's only for Sci-Fi and Fantasy, which is my realm of work. Secondly (and main reason) is that the 5/6 topics for the talks are relevant to my current stage of writing. Writing realistic fighting scenes....

Starting the Agent Search

Book Pipeline Contest

Quarantine Updates

Manuscript Intro Contest

Edited and Submitted

Tulelake, CA