Today I have some great news. I have finished writing chapter 23!!!! It is called The Challenges and it is 20 pages long, full of action, emotions, and intensity! This makes the total page count for my book to be 258 pages long and with this update, now to the topic of today's post. The joys of writing. This actually really relates to my day as well because during school, my humanities teacher asked each of us to answer this question. "What activity brings you the most joy?" I replied with "singing and writing." I won't go into the singing section of my answer for all you need to know is that I am Soprano I and love singing. :) Now, to my love for writing. I am filled with joy when I am writing what I know to be a good section. Thus, I feel that way a lot when I am writing my book because I get so excited when I write foreshadowing or irony. I just want to tell people the significance of what one sentence means but I can't because that would ruin the effects and thus, I am filled with energy and the sensation that I must write more. I actually felt that way today during humanities as I continued to finish chapter 23 (don't tell my teacher that) and I was so excited as I saw the words appear on the paper and the story unfold before my eyes. It fills me with an emotion I can't describe but as seen from the rambling above, I have tried and I am sorry if this post bores you. This post is really important though as it tries to explain why I love writing as much as I do. <3 <3 <3
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