The Old and The New

This week, my post will be about my experience with editing. For you see, I called my aunt and we started discussing the Prologue and Chapter One. There, we discussed changes and such but what I found really interesting was the differences from my older copies and my most recent copy. See, A LONG time ago, I had sent her the prologue and chapter one just to see if she liked where I was going. She did and I had continued writing. She still had this copy when I sent her the new one and she actually compared the two and the differences were amazing! I mean, the story was the same, but the subtle changes, the different edits, were so different and I could really see how far my writing had come from when I had started writing, to where I am now. And with that, I want to leave all future writers with this piece of advice. Keep a copy of your first drafts because when the time come, it is so amazing to look at what you wrote at the beginning and see how far you have come. :) Perhaps some day I will put a piece of my original first chapter up on my blog...probably not though, because it is pretty embarrassing... y'all can just read the actual book. :D


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