The Hardest Part

 What is the hardest part about writing?

The rejection? The writer's block? No. It's the beginning. It's writing those first few pages over and over again. Trying to draw your readers in but not tell them too much. Trying to intrigue them but not bore. I've rewritten the first few pages of my manuscript more times than I can count. But in the end, it's worth it. Because if I can't convince you to keep reading after the first few pages...then there is not point. As I wrote earlier, I am currently editing my manuscript. I thought I was nearing the end. However, I then decided to send my first chapter to one of my best friends and he said exactly what I needed to hear. 

My beginning needed work. It really, really did. I had too many long background paragraphs. Too much unnecessary information that made the story drag. Sure, I had some intriguing aspects but was it enough to draw a reader in for a long-night read? Probably not. 

So I cut and slashed out the background information and wow, it really made a difference. However, it was still missing something. Should I completely rewrite and start in a different moment in the story? Potentially. One with more action and such. However, since I first started writing the first few pages of this story, I've always had it starting here, with Elena arriving at the school. To change it... just felt wrong. This was were the story starts. But how could I enhance it? Below is my solution. And though I added something new, it flows right into my original beginning. Of course, it still might need some more polishing and evolve along the way before the manuscript gets published, but below is something I think promises the reader mystery, fantasy, fighting, and so much more. I hope you all agree as well. 

Let me know what you think in the comments!
