What Makes My Book Special?

So ever since getting on twitter...

I've read a lot more about writing techniques and methods and just... everything. I'm really glad that I've joined this community. So with that, I thought I'd share something that got me thinking... 

On the Write Now Coach blog, they had guest writer, Angela Ackerman, describe how to build a fan base. For those who don't know, Angela Ackerman is the best selling co-author of The Emotion Thesaurus, which helps writers "show" and not "tell" the emotions of their characters. I have a copy myself and it's been pretty helpful! Back to her article though. It was her first tip, that really struck me. 

Know what makes your books special. 

"The key to finding our readers is understanding who they are. And while a genre (and sub-genre) will help point you in the right direction, it’s only one data point for finding your exact audience. After all, a fantasy reader will not be interested in ALL types of fantasy, right? So, to figure out which readers will like your book, you need to understand what makes it special. Is there a theme or element in your book that makes it stand out (homelessness in America, Cyberterrorism, lost WWII love letters, etc.)? Does it tie into an interest (rock climbing, travel, or ghost hunting, etc.)? Is there a concept that makes it pop?"

So what theme/element/interest is in my book? 

Well for one, it's Fantasy but not all fantasy is the same... Mine has magic, hints of romance, mystery, and ancient prophecies. Readers who like, save the world with unlikely heroes would be intrigued by my series. My story also dives into the inner clashes of good vs evil... but that is overarching theme of the series. The first book only hints at it. So what makes the first book, The Power Within, special? 

Well...the entire first book takes place within a school, which at first seems similar to Harry Potter, but this isn't a "magic" school. The entire world is magic and this is just one of its schools. And a key element is the question hanging over the character's head. "Who is Elena Pierce?"  So for readers who love memory loss, spell casting, mythical creatures, school drama, ancient prophecies, and a soul searching main protagonist, then The Power Within is the book for you!

Angela's article can be found HERE. Give it a read!
